The following illustrates the specifications and usage of the Basketball Manitoba logo.
The MABO logo color logo is comprised of 2 colors - black & orange.
MABO Black
PANTONE# 231F20 or 333333
CMYK: 0C, 0M, 0Y, 100K
RGB: 35R, 31G, 32B
MABO Orange
PANTONE# F26722 or FF6633
CMYK: 0C, 75M, 85Y, 0K
RGB: 255R, 102G, 51B
The following is a sampling of the MABO logo in a variety of formats. To save a copy to your computer, click on the format and style of logo you wish to use and select 'File' and 'Download' option in the top left drop down menu to your hard drive.
The MABO logo color logo is comprised of 2 colors - black & orange.

PANTONE# 231F20 or 333333
CMYK: 0C, 0M, 0Y, 100K
RGB: 35R, 31G, 32B

PANTONE# F26722 or FF6633
CMYK: 0C, 75M, 85Y, 0K
RGB: 255R, 102G, 51B
The following is a sampling of the MABO logo in a variety of formats. To save a copy to your computer, click on the format and style of logo you wish to use and select 'File' and 'Download' option in the top left drop down menu to your hard drive.