FIBA has recently announced some changes to mechanics. The below document outlines the changes. Included in the changes are:

  1. 3-person Timeout Positioning (see below for additional clarification on 2-person Timeout Positioning;
  2. Double whistles on fouls;
  3. Switch on front court fouls;
  4. Last free throw position.

Additional Information regarding Diagram #2 – Do not take the diagram literally, having the R administer the throw in is for illustration purposes only.  That said, the play resumes with the administering official going to the throw in spot and both non administering official going to the team benches in accordance to where those officials are supposed to be.

General Clarification:


The officials positioning during the timeouts:

Referees have three standard positions during the timeouts (always on the opposite side). They can select any of the three positions they feel are the most appropriate (Note: leave the ball on the court where the game will be resumed).

UPDATED: For 2-person, we will position ourselves the same as 3-person. 

If you have any questions about any of the new mechanics, or anything else related to rules or mechanics, please reach out to MABO Provincial Interpreter, Martha Bradbury.

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