Date: Saturday September 26, 2015
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Sport Manitoba, Conference Room A (lower level), 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba (map below)
Notice to Members of the Association:
I. Election of MABO Officers: The positions open for nomination and election on the MABO Board for 2015-2016 are President, Vice President, Provincial Supervisor, Provincial Interpreter, Secretary/Treasurer, Director of Clinics, Director of Evaluations, and Director-At-Large. All of these positions are a one-year term.
If you would like to run as an Officer on the MABO Board of Directors, or if you would like to nominate anyone for the above positions, please contact Paul Isaak <pisaak@mymts.net> or Neil Gottfred <ngottfred@matrixgroupinc.net> by August 29 , 2015.
II. Voting Privileges: all members of MABO are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting and are entitled to one (1) vote. A Voting Member may not vote by proxy.
III. Quorum: Attendance by 10% of the Members at the Annual General Meeting is a quorum. Please make every effort to attend!
Meeting Agenda:
- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Adoption of Agenda
- 3. Adoption of Minutes of AGM 2014
- 4. Executive Reports:
- a. President (D. Morphy)
- b. Vice President (S. Hawash)
- c. Provincial Supervisor (W. Crymble)
- d. Provincial Interpreter (M. Bradbury)
- e. Secretary/Treasurer (J. Pursaga)
- f. Director of Clinics (G. Matsumoto)
- g. Director of Evaluations (J. Boyd)
- h. Director-At-Large (J. Bernard)
- 5. Assignor’s Reports:
- a. SCAC
- b. WWAC
- g. WMBA
- h. CABO
- i. MBOA
- j. KPAC
- 6. Review of Financial Statements & Independent Reviewer’s Report
- 7. Pink Whistle Campaign Report (J. Bernard)
- 8. MABO Camp Report (R. Kenyon and J. Boyd)
- 9. Notice of Motion (C. Moskal)
- 10. Approval of Revised Bylaws
- 11. Wheel Chair Basketball Officials Report (Report to be circulated at meeting by G. Matsumoto
- 12. Election of 2015-2016 Executive
- 13. Other
- 14. Motion to Adjourn
AGM DOCUMENTS (will be updated with additional information as the meeting approaches)